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CryoPen is an advanced Cryotherapy innovation that is a fast, effective, safe & new solution for removal of skin imperfection like Skin Tags, Milia, Cherry Angiomas, Age Spots, Seborrheic Keratosis,

Warts & Verucas.


The CryoPen emits a pressurised, super fine jet of nitrous oxide from its tip, which allowes us to work with precision that is millimeter perfect. The tissue is destroyed by freezing the inter-cellular fluid, forming ice shards & crystals which break the cell membrane, thereby destroying the tissue we are wanting to remove. The freezing treatment normally involves 5-30 seconds of the liquid spray being applied with the CryoPen; a further freezing treatment can be applied after a short break dependent on the skin type & nature of the problem.

Cosmetic procedures such as Skin Tags, Milia & Cherry Angiomas are no longer treatable as a standard NHS procedure.



Cryotherapy is safe for all skin types & ethnicities. Unfortunately not all treatments are for everyone. Please check our contraindications list to make sure you avoid disappointment.​

CryoPen - Beauty Salon, Hailsham, East Sussex





  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding

  • Unstable diabetes

  • Skin conditions, e.g. skin tumours,

open wounds (treatment area), solar hyperkeratosis

  • Unexplained, suspicious liver spots & moles

  • Cancer tissues & malignant tumours

  • Cold intolerance

  • Vascular insufficiency

  • Concurrent dialysis treatment

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Immunodeficiency disorders (high infection risk)

  • Dermal fillers under the site to be treated

  • Prone to Keloid Scarring



During the procedure, the area freezes & turns white. After this area thaws, a flushing occurs & the area will turn red and a weal will form. After 2-24 hours after being frozen the weal may turn into a blister which may take several days to dissolve, however this is very rare. A crust will form over the lesion, which typically, after about 10 to 14 days, will fall off & the skin will then be healed. The skin may appear lighter in colour or pink, which then returns to its normal colour over a period of a few weeks. Lesion treated on the legs often take a little more time to heal.


For larger & deeper lesions a second crust may form making the healing time slightly longer. Although it is best to try to leave the treated area uncovered, a plaster or simple dressing may be applied if it is in an area which may lead to rubbing & aggravation. It is important not to pick at the crust as this may lead to scarring.




We advise full healing time could be up to 4-6 weeks although some smaller lesions may heal in less than 4 weeks. Healing time varies from patient to patient & is largely dependent on the skin type and the nature of the skin lesion that has been treated.


It is essential to apply SPF50+ to sun exposed areas such as the face, neck & hands until the area has repigmented to your normal skin tone and completely healed. Application of sunblock is essential following treatment to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) of the area of skin treated & to ensure optimum healing.



Usually you will only need to have one treatment, however some lesions such as large skin tags are likely to require more than one Cryotherapy treatment depending on your response to the treatment. Also, some warts & verrucae may require 4 or more treatments. We recommend that you have a follow up visit 4-6 weeks after your initial visit so that we can check the treatment site & determine if a follow up treatment is required.

Country Treatments Room - Beauty Salon, Hailsham, East Sussex



It is advised that you visit your GP prior to booking an appointment with us to get your lesion checked if you are not sure about the type of your skin lesion. Tell your Doctor that you are considering removal by CryoPen & ask them if it safe for you to have this lesion removed for cosmetic purposes.                      

Cryotherapy is relatively low risk & side effect and complication are usually minimal. Some side effect may occur as a result of the treatment. These may include:


  • Headaches: Not uncommon when freezing on the forehead, scalp & temples. Can last for 2 hours.

  • Pigment changes: Both hypo (lightening of the skin) and hyper (darkening of the skin) pigmenttation. Can last a few months or longer.

  • Nerve damage: Although rare, damage to nerves is possible especially where the nerves are close to the skin surface (fingers, wrist, behind ear). Reports suggest that symptoms disappear after several months.

  • Blisters: These may appear on the treated area, but usually disappear after a few hours.

  • Shards of ice: The CryoPen delivers a high pressure jet of nitrous oxide. This jet can cause shards of ice to be thrown into the air to a distance of up to 30cm. They will thaw quickly & will not damage healthy skin.

  • Damage to hair follicles: Hair follicles are easily damaged by cryosurgery & permanent alopecia to the treated area is not uncommon


Ensure you take the following precautions before your treatment:


  • Do not use retinols, exfoliating acids (AHAs, BHAs, PHAs etc) or physical exfoliants (scrubs etc) 48 hours prior to treatment.

  • Do not apply fake tan/gradual tanner at least 2 weeks before your treatment.

  • Do not have any laser/IPL treatments (hair removal or skin rejuvenation) on the
    treatment area for at least 1 week prior.



In the days leading up to your appointment, it is a good idea to give a wart or verrucae a bit of attention.

The treatment works best when the skin covering these lesions is soft & slightly opened. Follow the steps below to allow the treatment to work effectively:


  • Soak the lesion in a bowl of warm, soapy water for 20 minutes.

  • With a pumice stone or emery board (nail file), gently scrub the lesion until the skin becomes rough.

  • Please do not scrub so hard that you make the area sore. Discontinue these steps if bleeding occurs. You are not trying to open o wound or cause discomfort. However, the more deeply the jet of nitrous oxide can penetrate, the better the chances of removal after one treatment are.

Country Treatments Room - Beauty Salon, Hailsham, East Sussex



If you have had a treatment to remove a skin lesion, you might like to know what to expect in the coming days. While there is very little after care required, there are a few things you should be aware of.                     


  • Blisters: Blistering can happen with any Cryotherapy treatment & is indiscriminate. The Cryopen is the most effective way of avoiding blisters as we are only treating the affected area and not healthy tissue. If blister does appear, please do not pop it. It will go down on its own. If it pops, weeping may occur. If so use a smear of Germolene cream twice a day. An adhesive dressing such as a plaster can be used to cover the area to protect it but as long as you can keep the area clean it is better to avoid dressings.

  • Skin tags: These turn black at the base & drop off over a period of one to six weeks. Larger skin tags of 3mm+ may need a second freeze. Please contact us after six weeks if they need to be retreated. If the area does become tender you can use Germolene twice a day. A plaster can be used to cover the area to stop the treated area being irritated by clothing rubbing on it.

  • Warts and Verrucae: It is recommended if they are still there, warts & verrucae should be re-treated 4 weeks after your first treatment. There is no aftercare apart from if the treated area develops a blister.

  • Milia: These are superficial keratin filled epidermal cysts & normally flatten and disappear with Cryotherapy quite quickly. There is no need to do anything other than follow the blister advice if one appears.

  • Pigmentation & Cherry Angiomas: The treated area may raise and look like a bee-sting. Do not worry this is perfectly normal. The redness will subside in a few hours.



  • In the case of all lesions, over the next 24 hours the area will go darker & develop a crust on the surface. Do not pick this off. When it naturally falls away you will see new skin which is a shiny pink colour. It will repigment over the following weeks & could take several months.

  • The histamine in the area which was treated will create an itchy sensation for between ten and sixty minutes, do not worry this is perfectly normal.

  • Do not pick the treated area at any time after treatment otherwise the area will take longer to heal. If a wheel/scab is knocked off accidentally it will also take longer to heal, but you should still have the same outcome of a successful treatment.

  • It is common to experience redness & swelling after treatment. Apply aloe vera as required over the treatment area for the next 72 hours. Always apply with clean cotton wool, not fingers. You can also keep your aloe vera in the fridge for an extra cooling effect which may help to soothe the skin.

  • Always ensure that you are applying SPF50+ to the treatment area, regardless of weather conditionson until it has re-pigmented, this may take up to eight weeks.

  • Permanent alopecia can occur in a treated area which is usually covered with hair

  • Treatment that do not heal after six weeks should be reviewed by your GP or dermatologist. Please contact us to tell us if this happens.

  • If the small crust has not fallen off after four weeks please wait until has done before contacting us for the follow up treatment. Skin sometimes takes several weeks & even months to regenerate.

  • We recommend making a review appointment for 6-8 weeks after your session to ensure optimum results.




  • Do not sunbathe or use other heat treatments (sunbeds, sauna, steam)

  • Do not take hot showers or baths

  • Do not swim

  • Do not apply makeup to the treatment area

  • Do not apply soap, perfumed products or heavy moisturisers to the treatment area

  • Do not touch or cleanse the treatment area


(less than 3mm)

Skin Tags


Sun/Age Spots


Cherry Angiomas

​1-2 Lesions £55

3 Lesions £75


(more than 3mm)


Larger Skin Tags


Sun & Age Spots

​1-2 Lesions £65

3 Lesions £90



(more than 1cm)

​1 Lesion £100



£55 each

May need 3 or 6 treatments

Note: Any additional small lesions - extra £20, medium lesions - extra £25 or large lesions - extra £50.

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